From my fans…

a few quotes:

“new message of soul on a clean sound wave…”


“My wife says “He’s so Jack Johnson” – I pointed out that you came first, and that nearly all your songs have a point :-)”

about Original Song: “I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I’ve listened to this album, love it!!”

“keep it going, keep on howlin’ at the moon…”


“What a wonderfully generous thing of you to do – give your hard-forged art to the world, and it is a richer place for it. Thank you.”

“I could hardly eat or sleep without you.”

“I love your music!”

In my words…

a short bio:

Acoustically-driven and audience-interactive, I just want to light you up and send you dreaming. I’ve been performing from New York City to seaside Florida… to thousands and to handfuls… with voice, guitar, harmonica and much more… but I prefer to genuinely relate with my listeners rather than simply ‘wow’ them with versatility.