
Concerts! Available and experienced in any size venue, I have given concerts to large audiences of over a thousand to intimate house concerts of a dozen. Performing at universities, high schools, community centers, churches and retreats: I play to all ages. Young and old, singles and family, I know how to engage my audience.

I come self-contained using my own sound equipment or the house system. Outdoors, indoors, pool and patio, barns and cathedrals, vineyard or beach… I really do know how to make the best of the musical moment.

Retreats. Workshops. Seminars. Classes.

I have led and performed music in hundreds (yes hundreds!) of retreat settings. I have taught music and arts-related seminars for people of all ages (from elementary to grad school and the elderly, and everything in between). People are continuously surprised at my expressive versatility! And yes, I am highly effective with different ethnicities.

Sound Design

Constantly creating and serving recording ideas, I know how to make sound sound good! My albums are only one way that this shows. I write lyrics, script and more: depending on what the idea demands. Easily, I compose theme songs and then bring in the necessary resources to produce them.

My Instruments

guitars: steel, baritone, classical, electric
style: finger-picking, tunings, looper
harmonicas: major, minor, melodic
several other instruments
strong and highly versatile voice

My Styles

Alternative, Folk, Blues, Jazz, Electronica, and much more, go into my stylistic influences. Some have said “looks like James Taylor sounds like Dave Matthews.” I look up to Bruce Cockburn, David Gray, Leo Kottke, Bono and Kaki King.

Next Steps…

•Albums can easily be d. Click on this ⇒ cd baby

•I am available for concerts & more. Contact me by email.

•Like what you see and hear? Spread the word and let others know.


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